
This post is WIP but I would to share you.


One of the DATA ENGINEERING TEAM’s main objectives is to ensure data reliability and scalability; to achieve that, the infrastructure plays a main role.

Data Architecture

The DevOps and SWE best practices play a fundamental role, we try to implement both in DE.

So far I used at least one year the following architecture: architecture image The idea behind is focuses in:

  • TDD
  • Quick deploy
  • Decoupling SQL scripts
  • Continous Deployment and Integration
  • Production and Development enviroments

How works?

  1. We work following the Gitflow Workflow, which allows us to work on the differents requirements at the same time.

  2. Every time somebody does a PR automatically runs the following tests (These tests also can run local):

    • Flake8
    • PyDocStyle
    • MyPY
  3. We need somebody in the team to check our PR to merge in the development instance.

  4. Finally it all works ok, we make a PR from DEV to MASTER. (The master branch only accepts PR from the DEV branch. )